Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Bucket List and Plane Jane Me

Hello, again, blog! I decided to come back into the blogging world again, or really, for the first time. (This time it's for reals.) I set an early New Year's Resolution: to just accomplish as much as I can, and then blog about it. How many times do we say we are going to do something and then we don't? STORY OF MY LIFE! So here I am, at my new Mac Book Pro (which I bought for school and LOVE) making a resolution to accomplish ALL THAT I CAN and be accountable to at least one thing, which is my blog.
I was going through some journals from the mission. Reminiscing. Smiling. Nostalgic and honestly feeling a little bit empty. Those were the days when my life was filled with such purpose. My job was the most important job I could ever be doing at that time in my life. I was helping others come to a knowledge of TRUTH. Not relative truth; but real, true blue, things as they really are, truth. I was helping people understand who they ARE and help them find the answers to questions they had been asking all of their lives by simply knocking on their door or following a prompting from the spirit. I can't tell you how many times I was reminded how truly AWARE our Heavenly Father is of His children, us. How incredible is that job? I am grateful for the opportunity I had to serve and to see and feel how real that love is first hand...
Now, my job is to assist my daddy in saving animals or just fixing them so they don't over-populate the earth... I love my job now, but I feel I've been deflated of purpose. I want to feel driven again. This is my reason for The Bucket List... and this sophisticated and highly mature URL:, is my means of journaling my goals for my life. An internet checklist if you will and a way to get more attention than I probably deserve.

Each step I make I will blog about and share my experience. As you can see, this bucket list has been in my journals for years. I can already mark the top one off! I will probably add more things to this list as time rolls on and some things may sluff off of the list too. Hopefully more things will be marked with X's by the time I'm through.

This is how far along I am though:
-I am going to College at Salt Lake Community College, where I am planning on getting a certificate to be a Surgical Technician. After I receive my certificate and get a job, I will go to a University to work towards my bachelor's degree.
-I have picked up the book "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand at LEAST 3 times. It has One thousand, one hundred, sixty-eight pages. That is a really really big book.
-One of the classes I have signed up for next semester is Photography. My first one in college! Woop Woop!! Wish me luck!

Thank you for humoring me by reading this first post of a new chapter of my blog. Oh, and allow me to introduce my new and improved self:
Plane Jane Me.

1 comment:

Merm said...

Hahahaha! Your photo puts a smile on my face!!! I miss you lil sista! I loved your post. Why were you born with so much writing talent and I was born with zilch?? Love you!!!